Positively Living®: Shame-Free Productivity Conversations

Time and Task Management Best Practices [Ask Lisa]

Lisa Zawrotny Episode 254

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Do you struggle to manage your time and tasks effectively, feeling like there is never enough time to tackle your to-do list? Does implementing new systems feel like a task all its own? As a productivity coach, my mission is to help you manage the overwhelm and find shame-free, sustainable solutions to life’s struggles. As a host, I’m excited to answer your questions and offer doable advice. This week, episode 254 of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast is about time and task management best practices!

In this episode of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast, I challenge the traditional notion of time management by introducing a new way of approaching your tasks through energy management and I answer listener questions about time management tips and how to set up and learn new systems without getting frustrated or burned out. 

I cover the following topics:

  • Why energy management is a more sustainable approach than time management. 
  • How to effectively organize and prioritize your tasks. 
  • Implementing new productivity systems without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Sustainable productivity strategies you can implement today.

Don’t let traditional productivity advice shame or overwhelm you. When you set up new systems to help, start small by choosing one area to organize, use what feels intuitive to you, and gradually build your productivity system your way.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Positively LivingⓇ and Lisa at https://positivelyproductive.com/podcast/

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