Positively Living®: Shame-Free Productivity Conversations

How to Use a Gratitude Practice in a Stressful Life

Lisa Zawrotny Episode 237

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Life is stressful. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either selling something or living on an island somewhere. But just because a stressful life is the reality for many of us, doesn’t mean that life’s not good too. It can absolutely be both. Identifying the good part is a key element of practicing gratitude. This week, episode 237 of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast is about how to use a gratitude practice in a stressful life. 

In this episode of the Positively LivingⓇ Podcast, I’m sharing how a regular gratitude practice can shift our perspective, improve resilience, and reduce stress and I give you actionable steps to take right now to design a gratitude practice in a way that works best for you. 

I cover the following topics:

  • A review of stress—how it can be helpful and harmful. 
  • Using gratitude to choose the direction of our thoughts, focusing on the positive.
  • Actionable ways to practice gratitude for stress management and a few methods to try for yourself.
  • Sample questions to use as a prompt when you’re getting started.

I encourage you to embrace the power of gratitude and use it as a guiding light to navigate the stresses of life, empowering yourself to live with more positivity, resilience, and joy.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Positively LivingⓇ and Lisa at https://positivelyproductive.com/podcast/

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Work with Lisa! 


(Find links to books/gear on the Positively Productive Resources Page.)

Positively Grateful Resources Bundle

Gratitude Podcast Episodes

Stress Management Podcast Episodes

Ep 8: Toxic Positivity with Valerie Friedlander

Ep 114: Harmful Mindset Approaches with Valerie Friedlander

Dance Song Playlist V1, V2, V3

Music by Ian and Jeff Zawrotny

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