Positively Living®: Shame-Free Productivity Conversations

Choose What Energizes You Through Mindfulness with Sarah Steckler

Lisa Zawrotny Episode 106

Text your thoughts and questions!

Energy management is the unsung hero when we’re searching for better “time management” because when we have the same amount of time, we need to pay attention to what we do in that time and our energy is directly linked to that. This week, episode 106 of the Positively Living Podcast is about choosing what energizes you through mindfulness. 

In this episode of the Positively Living Podcast, my guest Sarah Steckler shares the power our thoughts have and she provides actionable steps you can take right now to integrate this idea of intentional, energy driven productivity that leaves you feeling both grounded and connected to yourself. 

Sarah and I cover the following topics:

  • An intentional productivity practice that keeps your energy, capacity, and intentions in mind that fills the gaps where the ideas drawn from corporate hustle were lacking.
  • How being present in the moment directly influences your life. 
  • Paying attention to what drives, drains, and produces your energy. 
  • Letting go of guilt by getting curious. 
  • Journaling to do a daily structured brain dump so you can intentionally capture your ideas and hold space for your thoughts. 
  • 1 question and 1 action that will help us identify our energy management needs and find the clarity necessary to focus and be truly productive. 
It is important to remember that our mindset constantly needs tending and that by being present and noticing our energy, we can begin to restructure our life to work in this ebb and flow and avoid burnout. 

Learn more about Positively Living and Lisa at https://positivelyproductive.com/podcast/




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