Positively Living®: Shame-Free Productivity Conversations

Navigating Grief through Humor with Katie Rössler

Lisa Zawrotny Episode 80

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We all grieve differently and it is important for you to decide how to grieve in the best way for you, even if others don’t support or understand it. That’s why episode 80 of The Positively Living Podcast is about navigating grief through humor! 

In this episode of The Positively Living Podcast, my guest Katie Rössler shares the importance of understanding how all life experiences feed into the bigger picture and gives actionable steps you can take right now to experience grief to the fullest in order to heal and grow from it. 

Katie and I cover the following topics:

  • Grief is largely linked with death and loss, but it can be so much more than that. 
  • Using the movie theory to understand how each and every one of your life experiences had to happen for the bigger picture of your life. 
  • Instead of asking, “why me,” reframing the question to “what is the lesson or deeper intention behind what is happening” to redefine grief and suffering.
  • The mental and emotional freedom that comes from addressing your grief. 
  • Giving yourself permission to use humor to cope even if it may not make sense to others. 

Grief, gratitude, and joy can coexist beautifully and are meant to support each other, helping you move through the pain into living life. 

Learn more about Positively Living and Lisa at https://positivelyproductive.com/podcast/



The New Face of Grief Book






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The New Face of Grief (Katie Rossler)
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