Positively Living®: Shame-Free Productivity Conversations

Accessing Creativity through Mindfulness with Izolda Trakhtenberg

Lisa Zawrotny Episode 47

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Innovation is a gift to the world that we access through creativity. But how do we unlock our creativity? This week, episode 47 of The Positively Living Podcast is about inviting creativity into our lives! 

In this episode of The Positively Living Podcast, Izolda Trakhtenberg and I are sharing the importance of mindfulness as a way to tap back into your creativity and we provide actionable steps you can take right now to have a more creative approach to life. 

If you’re ready to reduce stress and overwhelm by doing less, yet achieving more, I invite you to join me for a Strategy Session: a heart-opening, mind-expanding, goal-setting session that gives you the clarity needed to determine your best steps forward. Go to www.positivelyproductive.com/strategy and be sure to use the promo code PODCAST for a special listener discount.

Izolda and I cover the following topics:

  • What mindfulness is...and isn't.
  • What it means to be creative and to lend your ideas and voice to the world
  • Encouragement to dream, create, and share your ideas with the world because you truly never know the ripple effect you will have.
  • How innovation isn't just about the latest fad. It's about creating and collaborating mindfully.
  • A special framework to help us all embrace our worth and our willingness to step into our own creative genius

Mindfulness is actually a form of mental decluttering; when we clear our minds and let thoughts and emotions flow, we're in the best state to be creative and productive.

Thank you for listening! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive tons of practical tips to create space for what really matters in your life.

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